Aladdin and the Magic Lamp - Arabian Nights

The Story of "Aladdin and the Magic Lamp"
Once upon a time, in a humble town, a poor tailor had a son named Aladdin. Aladdin was a carefree and idle lad who spent his days playing in the streets with other children just like him. His father was so distressed by Aladdin's behavior that he eventually passed away. Despite his mother's tears and pleas, Aladdin's conduct remained unchanged.
One fateful day, as Aladdin played outside with his friends, a stranger approached and inquired about his age and whether he was the son of Mustapha the tailor. Aladdin confirmed this, adding that his father had passed away some time ago. The stranger, a renowned African magician, embraced Aladdin, revealing that he was his long-lost uncle and had recognized the boy due to his resemblance to Mustapha. He instructed Aladdin to inform his mother of his arrival.
Excitedly, Aladdin rushed home and informed his mother about his newfound uncle. She hesitantly replied, "Your father did have a brother, but I believed him to be dead." Regardless, she prepared a meal and asked Aladdin to fetch his uncle, who arrived bearing wine and fruit. The uncle reverently kissed the spot where Mustapha used to sit, explaining his long absence by stating he had been traveling abroad for forty years.
Turning to Aladdin, the uncle inquired about his profession. Aladdin sheepishly lowered his gaze while his mother sobbed. Upon discovering that Aladdin was unemployed and unwilling to learn a trade, the magician uncle generously offered to set up a shop for him and supply it with merchandise. The following day, he purchased fine clothes for Aladdin and guided him on a tour of the city. As evening fell, they returned home to Aladdin's overjoyed mother, who was delighted to see her son dressed so splendidly.
Next day, the magician led Aladdin into some beautiful gardens a long way outside the city gates. They sat down by a fountain, and the magician pulled a cake from his girdle, which he divided between them.
“Eat, my boy, and make the most of this day, for you will eat no more cakes till you come to the place I am taking you to,” said the magician to Aladdin.
After that, they journeyed onwards till they almost reached the mountains. Aladdin was so tired that he begged to go back, but the magician beguiled him with pleasant stories and led him on in spite of himself.
At last, they came to two mountains divided by a narrow valley.
“We will go no farther,” said the uncle. “I will show you something wonderful. Only do you gather up sticks while I kindle a fire.”
When it was lit, the magician threw on it a powder he had about him, at the same time saying some magical words. The earth trembled a little in front of them, disclosing a square flat stone with a brass ring in the middle to raise it by.
“Now, my dear boy, let me explain to you what you must do,” said the magician to Aladdin. “Beneath this stone lies a treasure which is to be yours, and no one else may touch it. So, you must do exactly as I tell you.”
Aladdin tried to run away, but the magician caught him and gave him a blow that knocked him down.
“What have I done, uncle?” he said piteously.
“Fear nothing, but obey me,” said the magician more kindly.
At the word "treasure," Aladdin forgot his fears, and grasped the ring as he was told, saying the names of his father and grandfather. The stone came up quite easily, and some steps appeared.
“Go down,” said the magician. “At the foot of those steps, you will find an open door leading into three large halls. Tuck up your gown and go through them without touching anything, or you will die instantly. These halls lead into a garden of fine fruit trees. Walk on till you come to a niche in a terrace where stands a lighted lamp. Pour out the oil it contains, and bring it to me.” He drew a ring from his finger and gave it to Aladdin, bidding him prosper.
Aladdin found everything as the magician had said, gathered some fruit off the trees, and having got the lamp, arrived at the mouth of the cave.
“Open, Sesame!” said Aladdin, and instantly the door flew wide open.
“Make haste and give me the lamp,” said the magician to Aladdin as he eagerly held out his hand.
This Aladdin refused to do until he was out of the cave.
“You will not give it to me?” cried the magician in a great fury. “Then, you shall suffer for your disobedience!”
The magician threw some more powder on to the fire, and said something, and the stone rolled back into its place.
Aladdin was left in the dark, crying and lamenting his hard fate.
It became clear that the man who had departed the country was not Aladdin's uncle, but instead, a deceitful magician who had learned from his magical books about a remarkable lamp that would grant him immense power. Despite knowing the lamp's location, he could only obtain it by having someone else retrieve it for him. He had singled out the naive Aladdin for this task, with the intention of taking the lamp and then disposing of him.
Aladdin spent two days in darkness, weeping and grieving. Finally, he raised his hands in prayer, inadvertently rubbing the ring that the magician had forgotten to take from him.
To his amazement, an enormous and terrifying genie appeared before him, saying, "What do you desire? I am the Slave of the Ring and will obey your every command."
Without hesitation, Aladdin replied, "Please get me out of this place!" The ground opened up beneath him, and he found himself outside.
As soon as his eyes adjusted to the light, he made his way home, but collapsed on the doorstep. When he regained consciousness, he told his mother what had happened, and showed her the lamp and the fruit that he had collected in the garden, which were, in fact, precious stones. He then asked for something to eat.
"Alas, my child," she replied, "we have nothing to eat, but I have spun some cotton and will go sell it."
Aladdin told her to keep the cotton and instead decided to sell the lamp. Since it was dirty, his mother began to clean it, hoping to fetch a higher price. Suddenly, a hideous genie appeared and asked what she desired. She fainted, but Aladdin quickly snatched the lamp and boldly commanded the genie to bring him food.
The genie returned with a silver bowl, twelve silver plates filled with delicious food, two silver cups, and two bottles of wine. When Aladdin's mother regained consciousness, she was surprised by the lavish feast.
"Where did all this food come from?" she asked.
"Don't ask questions," replied Aladdin. "Just eat."
They ate until dinner time, and Aladdin told his mother about the lamp. She begged him to sell it and avoid dealing with devils.
"No," said Aladdin, "now that we know its power, we will use it along with the ring, which I will always wear on my finger."
After they had finished eating, Aladdin sold one of the silver plates and continued to do so until they were all gone. He then called upon the genie, who provided him with another set of plates, and they lived many happy years.
One day, Aladdin overheard a royal decree from the Sultan, commanding all citizens to remain indoors with closed shutters as the Princess, his daughter, journeyed to and from the bathhouse. Intrigued and eager to catch a glimpse of the veiled Princess, Aladdin positioned himself secretly behind the bathhouse door and peered through a small opening. As the Princess entered, she lifted her veil, revealing her stunning beauty. Aladdin was instantly smitten, falling in love at first sight.
Upon returning home, Aladdin's mother noticed her son's transformation, frightened by the sudden change. Confessing his love for the Princess, Aladdin declared that he could not live without her and resolved to ask the Sultan for her hand in marriage. Initially, his mother laughed at the prospect, but after much pleading, she finally agreed to present Aladdin's proposal to the Sultan. She gathered a napkin filled with shimmering, bejeweled fruits from the enchanted garden as a gift to win the Sultan's favor, placing her trust in the magical lamp's power.
As she entered the audience-chamber where the Grand Vizier and council members had convened, she positioned herself across from the Sultan. However, he seemingly ignored her presence that day and the days that followed. For an entire week, she appeared before him, hoping to be granted an audience. On the sixth day, noticing her persistence, the Sultan instructed his Vizier to summon the woman carrying the elaborately-wrapped napkin.
Kneeling at the foot of the throne, the woman awaited the Sultan's permission to rise and speak. After clearing the room of all but the Vizier, the Sultan encouraged her to share her story, assuring forgiveness for any potential transgressions. She revealed her son Aladdin's passionate love for the Princess, who despite her pleas, insisted on asking for her hand in marriage. Asking for forgiveness for both her and her son, the woman then presented the napkin filled with glittering jewel-like fruits.
Amazed by the extraordinary gift, the Sultan turned to his Vizier, questioning whether he should grant the Princess's hand to someone who esteemed her so highly. Secretly desiring the Princess for his own son, the Vizier implored the Sultan to postpone the decision for three months, hoping that his son could present a more lavish offering. The Sultan acceded, allowing Aladdin's mother three months before she could return and learn of his final decision regarding the proposed union.
Aladdin had been waiting for almost three months when his mother, during a trip to the city to buy oil, discovered people celebrating. She inquired about the cause of the festivities and was informed that the Grand Vizier's son was to marry the Sultan's daughter that very night. She hurried home to share the news with Aladdin, who initially felt crushed. However, he soon remembered the magic lamp.
He summoned the genie by rubbing the lamp and requested that the genie bring the bride and groom to him that night. The genie obeyed, and at midnight, the newlyweds were transported to Aladdin's room. Aladdin then instructed the genie to place the groom outside in the cold until daybreak. Meanwhile, he assured the terrified Princess that she was safe and that she was his rightful wife, promised to him by her father. Despite his reassurances, her fear prevented her from speaking; she endured a sleepless night, while Aladdin slumbered beside her.
At daybreak, the genie returned the groom to his place in the now-returned bed, just in time for the Sultan's customary visit to his daughter. Upon their arrival, the Vizier's son fled in panic, and the Princess remained silent and forlorn. The Sultan, concerned, sent his daughter's mother to ask for an explanation for her behavior. After much hesitation, the Princess recounted her nightmarish experience, describing the transfer of the bed to a strange house, only for her mother to dismiss it as a mere dream.
The same event transpired the subsequent night, and the Sultan threatened his daughter with dire consequences if she continued her silence. Finally, she confessed the ordeal, corroborated by the Vizier's son, who declared his desire for separation, unable to withstand another traumatic night. The Sultan granted their request, marking the end of the marriage and the celebrations.
Once three months had passed, Aladdin sent his mother to remind the Sultan of his promise. Seeing her poverty, the Sultan consulted his Vizier, who suggested putting an exorbitant price on the Princess's hand in marriage. Turning to Aladdin's mother, the Sultan said, "A Sultan must honor his promises, and I shall honor mine, but first, your son must provide forty basins filled with jewels, carried by forty splendidly dressed men."
Aladdin's mother conveyed the message, thinking all hope was lost. However, Aladdin remained determined and replied, "Do not worry, mother, for I would do even more for the Princess."
Aladdin summoned the genie and asked for forty men to escort him to the Sultan's palace. The genie quickly granted his wish, and soon the forty men arrived, dressed in splendid jewels and carrying basins of gold on their heads. Aladdin and his mother followed them to the palace. The sight of their magnificent attire and golden basins drew the attention of onlookers.
Upon entering the palace, they knelt before the Sultan and formed a semicircle around the throne with arms crossed. Aladdin's mother then introduced them to the Sultan, who, without hesitation, said: "Good woman, inform your son that I eagerly await his arrival."
She promptly relayed the message, urging Aladdin to hurry. Before leaving, Aladdin called upon the genie for a scented bath, an exquisite outfit, a superior horse accompanied by twenty attendants, six handmaidens for his mother, and ten thousand gold pieces in ten pouches.
Having fulfilled Aladdin's requests, he confidently rode through the streets, scattering gold as he went. Even his former playmates failed to recognize the exquisitely dressed gentleman before them. Upon reaching the palace, the Sultan embraced Aladdin, proposing a wedding with the Princess that day. Aladdin declined, insisting on building a palace worthy of her first before departing.

The Story of “Aladdin and the Magic Lamp”
Back home, he asked the genie to construct a lavish palace of the finest marble adorned with precious stones. This palace would also feature a grand hall with a dome, golden and silver walls, windows with intricate latticework set with diamonds and rubies, leaving one unfinished. Additionally, stables, horses, and grooms were requested.
When the palace was completed the following day, the genie took Aladdin to admire his new residence, with every detail executed perfectly, including a velvet carpet that connected the two palaces. Aladdin's mother dressed elegantly, accompanied by her son who rode horseback.
In a grand show of celebration, the Sultan sent musicians to greet them. Aladdin's mother was escorted to the Princess who greeted her warmly, displaying utmost hospitality. At night, as they took their leave from the Sultan, the Princess and Aladdin's mother mounted the carpet and flew to the newly-built palace, where Aladdin eagerly awaited the arrival of his bride-to-be.
Aladdin and the princess were married, and they celebrated with a grand feast and dancing until midnight. The following day, Aladdin invited the Sultan to see his magnificent palace. As they entered the hall with the twenty-four windows adorned with precious jewels, the Sultan marveled at the beauty of it all.
“It is a world’s wonder! There is only one thing that surprises me. Was it by accident that one window was left unfinished?” asked the Sultan.
Aladdin replied, “No, sir, by design. I wished your Majesty to have the glory of finishing this palace.”
The Sultan was pleased with Aladdin’s gesture and ordered the best jewelers in the city to complete the unfinished window. However, they soon discovered that they did not have enough jewels to finish the task.
“We cannot find jewels enough,” the jewelers told the Sultan.
The Sultan then sent for his own jewels, but even with these, the work was only half done after a month's time. Realizing that their task was futile, Aladdin instructed them to undo their work and return the jewels, and then he commanded the genie to finish the window.
When the Sultan saw the completed window, he was surprised and impressed. He embraced Aladdin, but the vizier was envious and suggested that the palace was the result of enchantment.
Despite the vizier’s jealousy, Aladdin continued to win the hearts of the people with his gentle demeanor. He became the captain of the Sultan’s armies and led them to victory in several battles. Throughout all this, Aladdin remained kind and courteous and lived in peace and contentment for many years.
While Aladdin was living in great honor and wealth with his princess, far away in Africa, the magician who had originally tricked him into retrieving the lamp was using his magic to track him down. After discovering that Aladdin had escaped the cave and married a princess, the magician knew that he could only have accomplished this with the help of the magic lamp.
Determined to ruin Aladdin, the magician traveled day and night until he reached the capital, where he heard people talking about a marvelous palace. When he asked what palace they were referring to, he learned it was Prince Aladdin's palace, which was considered the greatest wonder in the world. The magician knew that the palace had been raised by the Genie of the Lamp and became furious with rage.
He decided to get hold of the lamp and once again plunge Aladdin into poverty. Unluckily for Aladdin, he was away hunting for eight days, giving the magician plenty of time to hatch his plan. The magician bought a dozen lamps, put them in a basket, and went to the palace, shouting, "New lamps for old!" followed by a jeering crowd.
When the Princess heard the commotion, she sent an attendant to find out what was going on. The attendant came back laughing, which annoyed the Princess. When she asked what was so funny, the slave replied, "Who can help laughing to see an old fool offering to exchange fine new lamps for old ones?"
Another woman overheard and said, "There is an old one on the cornice there which he can have." Unbeknownst to the Princess and her attendants, that was the magic lamp that Aladdin had left behind since he couldn't take it with him on his hunting trip. Not knowing the value of the lamp, the Princess laughingly instructed the slave to take it and make the exchange.
The magician snatched the lamp from the slave and bade her take her pick of his new lamps, while the jeering crowd looked on. He then left the city gates and went to a lonely place where he remained until nightfall. When he pulled out the lamp and rubbed it, the genie appeared and carried him, along with the palace and the Princess, to a lonely place in Africa at the magician's command.
The next morning, the Sultan looked out of his window and was surprised to see that Aladdin's palace was gone. He immediately called for his Vizier and asked him about the disappearance of the palace. The Vizier was also amazed and attributed it to enchantment. This time, the Sultan believed him and sent thirty men on horseback to bring Aladdin back in chains.
When they met Aladdin on his way home, they bound him and forced him to walk with them. However, the people who loved him followed, armed and determined to make sure that nothing happened to him. The group arrived at the Sultan's palace, and he ordered the executioner to cut off Aladdin's head. The executioner made Aladdin kneel down, bandaged his eyes, and raised his scimitar to strike.
Just as the executioner was about to strike, the Vizier noticed that the crowd had broken into the courtyard and was scaling the walls to rescue Aladdin. He called to the executioner to stop, and the Sultan, seeing the crowd's threatening behavior, ordered Aladdin to be unbound and pardoned him in front of the crowd.
Aladdin was confused and asked what he had done. The Sultan showed him the window where his palace had stood and demanded to know where his palace and daughter were. He didn't care much about the palace, but he wanted his daughter back. Aladdin was astonished and could not say a word.
The Sultan ordered Aladdin to find his daughter within forty days, or he would lose his head. Aladdin begged for time to search for her, promising to return and suffer death at the Sultan's will if he failed. The Sultan granted his request, and Aladdin left his presence.
For three days, Aladdin wandered around like a madman, asking everyone he met about his palace's whereabouts, but no one could help him. He eventually came to the banks of a river, where he knelt down to pray before throwing himself into the water. As he did so, he rubbed the ring he still wore. The genie from the cave appeared and asked him what he wanted.
“Save my life, genie,” said Aladdin, “and bring my palace back.”
“That is not in my power,” said the genie, “I am only the Slave of the Ring; you must ask him of the lamp.”
“Even so,” said Aladdin, “but you can take me to the palace and set me down under my dear wife’s window.”
The genie transported Aladdin to Africa, directly under the Princess's window. Exhausted from his journey, Aladdin fell asleep.
Aladdin woke up to the sound of birds singing, feeling his heart lifted. He realized that all his misfortunes were due to losing the lamp, and wondered who had stolen it from him.
That morning, the Princess got up earlier than usual since she had been taken to Africa by the magician, who visited her once a day. She treated him harshly, making it impossible for him to stay there permanently.
While she was getting ready, one of her maids saw Aladdin outside. The Princess went to the window, and when she made a noise, Aladdin looked up. She called him to come to her, and they were overjoyed to see each other again.
After he kissed her, Aladdin said, "I beg of you, Princess, in God's name, before we speak of anything else, for your own sake and mine, tell me what has become of an old lamp I left on the cornice in the hall of four-and-twenty windows when I went hunting."
The Princess said sadly, "Alas, I am the innocent cause of our sorrows," and told him about the exchange of the lamp.
"Now I know," cried Aladdin, "that we have to thank the African magician for this! Where is the lamp?"
"He carries it about with him," said the Princess. "I know, for he pulled it out of his breast to show me. He wishes me to break my faith with you and marry him, saying that you were beheaded by my father's command. He is forever speaking ill of you, but I only reply by my tears. If I persist, I doubt not but he will use violence."
Aladdin comforted her and left for a while. He changed clothes with the first person he met in town and bought a certain powder, then returned to the Princess, who let him in through a small door.
"Put on your most beautiful dress," he told her, "and receive the magician with smiles, leading him to believe that you have forgotten me. Invite him to have supper with you and say you wish to taste the wine of his country. He will go for some, and while he is gone, I will tell you what to do."
The Princess listened carefully to Aladdin and, after he left, dressed up in her finest clothes. She put on a diamond belt and headdress and saw in the mirror that she looked more beautiful than ever. She received the magician, saying to his great surprise:
"I have made up my mind that Aladdin is dead, and that all my tears will not bring him back to me, so I am resolved to mourn no more, and have therefore invited you to have supper with me. However, I am tired of the wines from my home and would like to try the wine from your country."
The magician hurried to his cellar, while the princess secretly put the powder given by Aladdin into her cup. When the magician returned, she offered him her cup in exchange for his, a sign that she was reconciled to him. However, before drinking, the magician began to praise the princess's beauty, but she interrupted him and said, "Let's drink first, and you can say whatever you want later."
The Princess was overjoyed to see Aladdin, and she hugged him tightly. However, Aladdin's attention was drawn to the lifeless body of the magician. He took the lamp from the magician's vest and ordered the genie to transport the palace and everything in it back to its original location. The Princess felt only two slight shocks and had no idea that she was back in her own chamber.
Meanwhile, the Sultan, who had been grieving for his daughter, was astonished to see the palace back in its place. He rushed to the palace and was greeted by Aladdin and the Princess in the hall of the four-and-twenty windows. Aladdin told him everything that had happened and even showed him the dead body of the magician to prove his story. A ten-day feast was declared, and it seemed as if Aladdin could finally enjoy peace for the rest of his life.
However, this was not meant to be. The magician had a younger brother who was even more wicked and cunning than him. He came to Aladdin's castle seeking revenge for his brother's death and went to visit a pious woman named Fatima, thinking she could be of use to him. He entered her cell and threatened her with a dagger, forcing her to do his bidding. He changed clothes with her, disguised himself as her, and locked her up so that she could not tell anyone.
The imposter made his way to Aladdin's palace, and people thought he was the holy woman, Fatima, who was known for curing people's ailments. When the Princess heard the commotion outside, she sent her attendant to investigate. The attendant reported that it was the holy woman who had come to cure people. The Princess, who had long wanted to meet Fatima, requested to see her.
On his arrival, the magician prayed for the Princess's health and happiness. The Princess then invited him to sit beside her and asked him to stay with her always.
The fake Fatima agreed and kept his veil down to avoid being recognized. The Princess showed him around the palace and asked for his opinion on the grand hall.
"It is truly beautiful," said the fake Fatima. "But in my opinion, it lacks one thing."
"What is that?" asked the Princess.
"If only a roc's egg were hung from the middle of this dome, it would be the wonder of the world," replied the fake Fatima.
From then on, the Princess could think of nothing but the roc's egg, and when Aladdin returned from hunting, he found her in a very bad mood. He asked what was wrong, and she told him that her pleasure in the hall was spoiled by the lack of a roc's egg hanging from the dome.
Aladdin, determined to make his wife happy, rubbed the lamp and summoned the genie. He commanded the genie to bring a roc's egg, but when the genie appeared, he let out a loud and terrifying shriek that shook the hall.
"You ungrateful wretch!" shouted the genie. "I have done everything for you, and now you command me to bring my master here so you can hang him in the midst of this dome? You and your wife and your palace deserve to be destroyed, but because this request came from the brother of the African magician, whom you destroyed, I won't carry out my threat. Take care of yourself because he means to kill you!"
With that, the genie disappeared.
Aladdin, frightened by the genie's outburst, went back to the Princess and told her he had a headache. He requested that the holy Fatima be brought to the palace to heal him. However, when the magician came near, Aladdin seized his dagger and stabbed him to the heart.
"What have you done?" cried the Princess. "You have killed the holy woman!"
"No," replied Aladdin. "This was a wicked magician who disguised himself as the holy woman. He was the one who put that wish into your head. He deserved to die for his evil deeds."
After that, Aladdin and the Princess lived happily together. When the Sultan died, Aladdin succeeded him and reigned for many years, leaving behind a long line of wise and just kings.
The Story of "Aladdin and the Magic Lamp"
- Arabian Nights -
The Moral Lesson of "Aladdin and the Magic Lamp"
The story tells of a poor boy named Aladdin, aided by a genie, who won the heart of a beautiful princess and achieved his dreams.
The moral lesson of "Aladdin and the Magic Lamp" imparts valuable insights on honesty, integrity, greed, wisdom, love, and the repercussions of our choices.
1. Honesty and Integrity
One of the key messages of the story is the importance of honesty and integrity. Aladdin's honesty and pure heart ultimately lead to his success, while the magician's deceitful ways lead to his downfall.
2. The Dangers of Greed
The story also highlights the dangers of greed. The magician's desire for power and wealth leads him to deceive and ultimately try to harm Aladdin, while Aladdin's own greed for wealth almost causes him to lose everything.
3. The Power of Wisdom
The story demonstrates the power of wisdom and intelligence over brute strength and force. Aladdin's cleverness and quick thinking enable him to outwit the magician and overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles.
4. The Importance of True Love
The story also emphasizes the importance of true love and the willingness to make sacrifices for those we love. Aladdin's love for the Princess motivates him to go to great lengths to win her hand in marriage, even if it means risking his own life.
5. The Consequences of Actions
Finally, the story illustrates the consequences of our actions, both good and bad. Aladdin's kindness and generosity lead to his eventual success and happiness, while the magician's deceitful ways lead to his ultimate downfall and punishment.
Do you think the relationship between Aladdin and the Genie is one of mutual benefit, or is there an underlying power dynamic at play? How does the Genie's role as a magical being impact his interactions with Aladdin and the other characters in the story?