Briar Rose: The Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm

Summary of "Briar Rose"
"Briar Rose" tells the story of a King and Queen who long for a child. When their wish is granted, they celebrate with a grand feast, inviting fairies to bestow blessings upon their daughter. However, a vengeful thirteenth fairy curses the princess to prick her finger on a spindle and fall into a deep sleep on her fifteenth birthday.
Despite efforts to prevent the curse, the princess pricks her finger and the entire castle falls into a hundred-year slumber. Over time, a thick hedge of briar roses grows around the castle, concealing it from the outside world.
Years later, a brave prince learns of the sleeping princess and resolves to find her. He navigates through the enchanted thorns and discovers the princess asleep in the tower. His kiss awakens her, breaking the spell and bringing life back to the castle.
The tale ends with the joyous wedding of the prince and Briar Rose, ensuring they live happily ever after.
The imagery of the sleeping castle and the prince braving the thorns to awaken Briar Rose adds to its enchantment. It's one of those stories that captures the imagination and leaves you with a sense of wonder.
The Story of "Briar Rose"
A long time ago there lived a King and Queen, who said every day, ‘If only we had a child’; but for a long time they had none.
It fell out once, as the Queen was bathing, that a frog crept out of the water on to the land, and said to her: ‘Your wish shall be fulfilled; before a year has passed you shall bring a daughter into the world.’
The frog’s words came true. The Queen had a little girl who was so beautiful that the King could not contain himself for joy, and prepared a great feast. He invited not only his relations, friends, and acquaintances, but the fairies, in order that they might be favourably and kindly disposed towards the child. There were thirteen of them in the kingdom, but as the King had only twelve golden plates for them to eat from, one of the fairies had to stay at home.
The feast was held with all splendour, and when it came to an end the fairies all presented the child with a magic gift. One gave her virtue, another beauty, a third riches, and so on, with everything in the world that she could wish for.
When eleven of the fairies had said their say, the thirteenth suddenly appeared. She wanted to revenge herself for not having been invited. Without greeting any one, or even glancing at the company, she called out in a loud voice: ‘The Princess shall prick herself with a distaff in her fifteenth year and shall fall down dead’; and without another word she turned and left the hall.
Every one was terror-struck, but the twelfth fairy, whose wish was still unspoken, stepped forward. She could not cancel the curse, but could only soften it, so she said: ‘It shall not be death, but a deep sleep lasting a hundred years, into which your daughter shall fall.’
The King was so anxious to guard his dear child from the misfortune, that he sent out a command that all the distaffs in the whole kingdom should be burned.
As time went on all the promises of the fairies came true. The Princess grew up so beautiful, modest, kind, and clever that every one who saw her could not but love her. Now it happened that on the very day when she was fifteen years old the King and Queen were away from home, and the Princess was left quite alone in the castle. She wandered about over the whole place, looking at rooms and halls as she pleased, and at last she came to an old tower. She ascended a narrow, winding staircase and reached a little door. A rusty key was sticking in the lock, and when she turned it the door flew open. In a little room sat an old woman with a spindle, spinning her flax busily.
‘Good day, Granny,’ said the Princess; ‘what are you doing?’
‘I am spinning,’ said the old woman, and nodded her head.
‘What is the thing that whirls round so merrily?’ asked the Princess; and she took the spindle and tried to spin too.
But she had scarcely touched it before the curse was fulfilled, and she pricked her finger with the spindle. The instant she felt the prick she fell upon the bed which was standing near, and lay still in a deep sleep which spread over the whole castle.
The King and Queen, who had just come home and had stepped into the hall, went to sleep, and all their courtiers with them. The horses went to sleep in the stable, the dogs in the yard, the doves on the roof, the flies on the wall; yes, even the fire flickering on the hearth grew still and went to sleep, and the roast meat stopped crackling; the cook, who was pulling the scullion’s hair because he had made some mistake, let him go and went to sleep. The wind dropped, and on the trees in front of the castle not a leaf stirred.
But round the castle a hedge of briar roses began to grow up; every year it grew higher, till at last it surrounded the whole castle so that nothing could be seen of it, not even the flags on the roof.
But there was a legend in the land about the lovely sleeping Briar Rose, as the King’s daughter was called, and from time to time princes came and tried to force a way through the hedge into the castle. They found it impossible, for the thorns, as though they had hands, held them fast, and the princes remained caught in them without being able to free themselves, and so died a miserable death.
After many, many years a Prince came again to the country and heard an old man tell of the castle which stood behind the briar hedge, in which a most beautiful maiden called Briar Rose had been asleep for the last hundred years, and with her slept the King, Queen, and all her courtiers. He knew also, from his grandfather, that many princes had already come and sought to pierce through the briar hedge, and had remained caught in it and died a sad death.
Then the young Prince said, ‘I am not afraid; I am determined to go and look upon the lovely Briar Rose.’
The young Prince said. ‘I am not afraid; I am determined to go and look upon the lovely Briar Rose.’
The good old man did all in his power to dissuade him, but the Prince would not listen to his words.
Now, however, the hundred years were just ended, and the day had come when Briar Rose was to wake up again. When the Prince approached the briar hedge it was in blossom, and was covered with beautiful large flowers which made way for him of their own accord and let him pass unharmed, and then closed up again into a hedge behind him.
In the courtyard he saw the horses and brindled hounds lying asleep, on the roof sat the doves with their heads under their wings: and when he went into the house the flies were asleep on the walls, and near the throne lay the King and Queen; in the kitchen was the cook, with his hand raised as though about to strike the scullion, and the maid sat with the black fowl in her lap which she was about to pluck.
He went on further, and all was so still that he could hear his own breathing. At last he reached the tower, and opened the door into the little room where Briar Rose was asleep. There she lay, looking so beautiful that he could not take his eyes off her; he bent down and gave her a kiss. As he touched her, Briar Rose opened her eyes and looked lovingly at him. Then they went down together; and the King woke up, and the Queen, and all the courtiers, and looked at each other with astonished eyes. The horses in the stable stood up and shook themselves, the hounds leaped about and wagged their tails, the doves on the roof lifted their heads from under their wings, looked round, and flew into the fields; the flies on the walls began to crawl again, the fire in the kitchen roused itself and blazed up and cooked the food, the meat began to crackle, and the cook boxed the scullion’s ears so soundly that he screamed aloud, while the maid finished plucking the fowl. Then the wedding of the Prince and Briar Rose was celebrated with all splendour, and they lived happily till they died.
The Story of “Briar Rose”
– Grimm’s Fairy Tales –

The Story of "Briar Rose"
Exploring the Moral Lesson of "Briar Rose"
Fairy tales often serve as vessels for timeless moral lessons, and "Briar Rose" by the Brothers Grimm is no exception. Embedded within its enchanting narrative are profound insights into human nature, the consequences of actions, and the power of love. Let's delve into the moral lessons that "Briar Rose" imparts and how they resonate with us today.
At the heart of "Briar Rose" lies the consequences of envy and vengeance. The thirteenth fairy's curse stems from her exclusion from the celebration, sparking a desire for retribution. This teaches us about the destructive nature of jealousy and the importance of forgiveness over retaliation. In our own lives, we're reminded to confront feelings of envy with empathy and understanding rather than succumbing to vindictiveness.
The tale underscores the profound impact of choices, both good and bad. The King's decision to burn all the distaffs in the kingdom illustrates the lengths to which one might go to protect loved ones from harm. Conversely, the thirteenth fairy's choice to curse the princess sets in motion a series of events with far-reaching consequences. Through these choices, we learn about the ripple effects of our actions and the responsibility we bear for their outcomes.
Central to "Briar Rose" is the theme of true love's transformative power. It is the prince's love and determination that enable him to navigate the thorns and awaken Briar Rose from her century-long slumber. This speaks to the enduring belief that love transcends barriers, be they physical, temporal, or magical. In a world often marred by cynicism, the tale reminds us of the redemptive force of genuine affection and commitment.
The prince's bravery in embarking on his quest despite the warnings of danger showcases the importance of courage in the face of adversity. His unwavering determination to reach Briar Rose symbolizes resilience in the pursuit of what is right and just. In our own lives, we are encouraged to confront challenges with similar courage, knowing that perseverance and fortitude can lead to triumph.
Lastly, "Briar Rose" embodies themes of hope and redemption. Despite the despair that shrouds the sleeping castle, the tale offers the promise of awakening and renewal. The prince's arrival heralds a new beginning, a testament to the enduring belief in second chances and the possibility of redemption. In times of darkness, the story reminds us to hold onto hope, for even the deepest slumber can be stirred by the light of dawn.
In Conclusion
"Briar Rose" by the Brothers Grimm is not merely a fairy tale but a profound meditation on human nature and the universal truths that shape our lives. Through its rich tapestry of characters and events, we glean invaluable lessons about the perils of envy, the consequences of choices, the power of love, the importance of courage, and the enduring virtues of hope and redemption. As we navigate our own journeys, may we heed these timeless teachings and find solace, inspiration, and wisdom in the enchanting world of "Briar Rose."

Grimm’s Fairy Tales
The Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm
The Grimm Brothers' Fairy Tales (German: Kinder- und Hausmärchen) is a collection of folk stories recorded by the two brothers, Wilhelm and Jacob Grimm. Within these tales, children are invited to immerse themselves in a world filled with powerful fairy godmothers, beautiful princesses accompanied by brave princes, wicked witches, and ferocious monsters...
In addition, to the aforementioned "Briar Rose" story, presents a myriad of other captivating tales within the Grimm Brothers' collection. Each narrative carries valuable lessons about morals and life.
Do not miss the opportunity to explore and delve into the enchanting world of Grimm's Fairy Tales at FairyTales.Love.