Fred and Kate: The Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm

The Story of "Fred and Kate"
Fred and Kate were man and wife. They had not long been married.
One day Fred said, ‘I am going into the fields, Kate; I shall be hungry when I come in, so have something good ready for dinner, and a cool draught to quench my thirst.’
‘All right, Fred, I will have it ready for you when you come back.’
When dinner-time approached, she took down a sausage from the chimney, put it into a frying-pan with some butter, and placed it on the fire. The sausage began to frizzle and splutter, and Kate stood holding the pan lost in her thoughts.
Suddenly she said: ‘While the sausage is cooking, I might go down to the cellar to draw the beer.’ So she put the pan firmly on the fire, and took a jug down to the cellar to draw the beer.
Kate watched the beer running into the jug, and suddenly she said: ‘I don’t believe the dog is tied up; it might get the sausage out of the frying-pan and run off with it.’
She was up the cellar stairs in a twinkling, but the dog had already got the sausage in his jaws, and was just making off with it. Kate, who was very agile, ran after him, aWatercolor illustration of a dog running through the woods with a sausage in its mouth, followed by a beautiful blonde country girl angrily chasing after the dog. Costume and setting 14th century Germanynd chased him a good way over the fields. The dog, however, was quicker than she, and without letting go the sausage, he got right away.
‘What is gone, is gone!’ she said, and being tired out, she turned back and walked slowly home to cool herself.
In the meantime, the beer had been running out of the cask, because Kate had forgotten to turn the tap. As soon as the jug was full, the rest ran all over the cellar floor, till the cask was quite empty.
Kate saw what had happened as soon as she got to the top of the cellar stairs. ‘Humph!’ she cried, ‘what am I to do now, so that Fred shan’t discover it?’
She thought a while, and at last she remembered a sack of fine meal they had left over from the last fair. She would fetch it down and strew it over the beer. ‘To be sure,’ she said, ‘those who save at the right time have something when they need it.’
So she went up to the loft and brought the sack down, but, unfortunately, she threw it right on to the jug full of beer. It was overturned, and away went Fred’s drink, flooding the cellar with the rest.
‘Oh, that won’t matter!’ said Kate. ‘When part is gone, the rest may as well follow.’ Then she strewed the meal all over the cellar. She was delighted with her handiwork when it was finished, and said: ‘How clean and fresh it looks.’
At dinner-time Fred came home. ‘Well, wife, what have you got for dinner?’ he said.
‘O Fred!‘ she answered, ‘I was frying you a sausage, but while I went down to draw the beer, the dog got it; and while I ran after the dog, the beer ran out of the cask. Then when I was going to dry up the beer with the meal, I knocked the jug over. But never mind, the cellar is quite dry now.’
Fred said: ‘Kate, Kate, what have you been doing? First you let the sausage be carried off, then you let the beer run out of the cask, and, lastly, you waste our fine meal.’
‘Well, Fred, I did not know; you should have told me what to do.’
The man thought: ‘If my wife is like this, I must look after things myself.’
Now, he had saved a nice little sum of money, which he changed into gold, and said to Kate: ‘Do you see these yellow counters? I am going to put them in a pot, and bury them underneath the cow’s manger in the stable; don’t you meddle with them, or it will be the worse for you.’
And sne said: ‘Oh no, Fred, I won’t.’
Now, when Fred had gone out, several Pedlars came into the village with earthen pots and pans for sale. They asked the young wife if she had nothing to give in exchange for them.
‘Oh, good people,’ said Kate, ‘I have no money, and I can’t buy anything, but if some yellow counters would be any good to you, I might do some business.’
‘Yellow counters! Why not? You might as well show them to us,’ said the men.
‘You must go into the stable and dig under the cow’s manger, and you will find the yellow counters. I dare not go with you.’
So the rogues went to the stable and dug up the pot of gold. They seized it and made off with it as fast as they could, leaving their pots and pans behind.
Kate thought she must use the new utensils, but as there was no lack in the kitchen, she knocked the bottom out of every pot and pan, and hung them on the fence round the house as ornaments.
When Fred came home and saw the new decorations, he said: ‘Kate, whatever have you been doing now?’
‘I bought them, Fred, with the yellow counters which were hidden in the stable, but I did not get them myself; the Pedlars dug them up.’
‘Alas, wife!’ said Fred, ‘what have you done’? Those were not counters, they were pure gold, and all that we possess. You should not have done it.’
‘Well, Fred, I did not know; you should have told me.’
Kate stood for a while thinking, then she said: ‘Listen, Fred, we will run after the thieves and get the money back.’
‘Come along then,’ said Fred, ‘we will try what we can do; but we must take some butter and cheese with us to eat on the way.’
‘All right,’ she answered. So they set out, but as Fred was fleeter of foot than Kate he was soon ahead of her.
‘I shall be the gainer,’ she said; ‘I shall be foremost when we turn.’
Soon they came to a mountain, and on both sides of the road there were deep cart ruts. ‘There, just see,’ said Kate, ‘how the poor earth is torn and scratched and squeezed; it can never be whole again as long as it lives.’
Then out of the kindness of her heart she took the butter and smeared the ruts right and left, so that they might not be torn by the wheels.
As she was stooping in this compassionate act, one of the cheeses fell out of her pocket, and rolled down the hill.
Kate said: ‘I have come up the hill once, and I don’t mean to do it again; I will send another of the cheeses to fetch it. So she took another out of her pocket and rolled it down. As it did not come back she sent a third rolling after it, and thought, ‘Perhaps they are waiting for company, and don’t like walking alone.’
When all three stayed away, she said: ‘I don’t know what is the meaning of this! it may be that the third one lost its way; I will send the fourth one to call it back.’ Nothing was seen of the fourth any more than of the third.
At last Kate got quite angry, and threw down the fifth and sixth, and they were the last.
For a time she stood looking to see if they were coming, but as they did not appear, she said: ‘Oh, you would be good folks to send in search of death, you would be a long time coming back. You need not think I am going to wait any longer for you; I am going on, and you may just come after me, your legs are younger than mine.’
So Kate went on, and caught up Fred, who had stopped because he wanted something to eat. ‘Now give me the food you brought with you.’
She handed him some dry bread.
‘What has become of the butter and cheese?’ said the man.
‘O Fred!’ said Kate, ‘I smeared the cart ruts with the butter, but the cheese will soon be here. One of them slipped away from me, and then I sent the others to fetch it back.’
Then said Fred: ‘You should not have wasted the butter, Kate, or sent the cheeses rolling down the hill.’
‘Well, Fred, you ought to have told me so,’ said Kate.
So they ate the dry bread together, and Fred said: ‘Did you lock up the house, Kate, before you came away?’
‘No, Fred; you should have told me sooner.’
Her husband said: ‘Well, then, go home and lock up the house before we go any further, and bring something else to eat. I will wait for you here.’
So Kate went, and she thought to herself, ‘As Fred wants omething else to eat, I suppose he does not like bread and cheese, I will take him some dried apples and a jug of vinegar to drink.’
Then she bolted the upper half of the door, but she lifted the lower part from its hinges, and took it with her on her back, thinking that if she had the door in safety the house would be safe. She took plenty of time on her way back, for she thought: ‘Fred will have the more time to rest.’
When she reached him again, she said:‘Here you have the house door, Fred, so you can take care of the house yourself.’
‘Good heavens,’ he said, ‘ what a clever wife I have. She bolts the upper part of the door, and lifts the lower part off its hinges, so that anything may run in and out. It’s too late to go back to the house now; but as you have brought the door so far, you may just carry it further.’
‘I will carry the door, Fred,’ she said. ‘But the apples and the jug of vinegar are too heavy; I will hang them on the door, and it may carry them.’
They now went into the wood to look for the rogues, but they did not find them. As it was dark, they climbed up a tree to spend the night there.
They had hardly settled themselves, before the Pedlars came up. They were the sort of people who take away things which should not be taken, and who find things before they are lost.
They lay down just under the tree in which Fred and Kate were. They lighted a fire, and began to divide their booty.
Fred got down at the other side of the tree, and picked up a lot of stones with which he meant to kill the thieves. The stones did not hit them, however, and the rogues said: ‘It will soon be day, the wind is blowing down the pine cones.’
Kate still had the door on her back, and she thought it was the dried apples which made it so heavy, so she said: ‘Fred, I must throw down the apples.’
“No, Kate, not now,’ he answered; ‘they would betray us.’
‘But, Fred, I must, they are so heavy.’
‘Well, let them go then, in the name of fortune!’ he cried, and down rolled the apples.
And the Pedlars said: ‘The leaves are falling.’
A little later, finding that the door still pressed very heavily, Kate said: ‘Fred, I must pour away the vinegar.’
‘No, Kate, not now; it would betray us.’
‘But, Fred, I must, it is terribly heavy.’
‘Well, do it, then, if you must, in the name of fortune!’
So she poured out the vinegar, and the Pedlars were sprinkled with it.
They said to each other: ‘Why, the dew is falling already.’
At last Kate thought: ‘Can it be the door that presses so heavily?’ And she said: ‘Fred, I must throw the door down.’
‘No, Kate, not now; it might betray us.’
‘But, Fred, I must; it weighs me down.’
‘No, Kate, hold it fast.’
‘Fred, it’s slipping, I must let it fall.’
‘Well, let it fall, then, in the devil’s name!’
So down it fell through the branches with such a clatter, that the Pedlars cried: ‘The devil’s in this tree.’ And they ran away as fast as ever they could go, leaving all their treasure behind them.
In the early morning, when Fred and Kate climbed down, they found all their gold, and took it home with them.
The Story of "Fred and Kate"
- Grimm's Fairy Tales -
The Moral Lessons of "Fred and Kate" by the Brothers Grimm: A Comprehensive Analysis
The fairy tale "Fred and Kate" by the Brothers Grimm offers a humorous yet instructive look at human behavior and domestic responsibilities. Through the antics of the main characters, Fred and Kate, the story conveys several key moral lessons that remain relevant today.
Here’s a breakdown of the tale's moral teachings and some ideas to help reflect on and apply these lessons in our own lives.
1. The Importance of Responsibility and Attention
Kate’s repeated failures to manage the tasks she’s entrusted with—whether it's cooking the sausage, drawing the beer, or handling the meal—demonstrate the crucial role of attentiveness in everyday responsibilities. Her inattentiveness leads to preventable problems, like the sausage being stolen by the dog and the beer flooding the cellar.
The tale shows that neglect and lack of care can lead to significant consequences, underlining the need for consistent responsibility.
2. Understanding and Communication in "Fred and Kate"
The tale highlights a communication breakdown between Fred and Kate. Fred’s dissatisfaction with Kate’s mistakes reflects the importance of clear, explicit instructions and mutual understanding. Kate’s actions reveal her lack of comprehension about the tasks, suggesting that Fred should have communicated his expectations more clearly.
This moral emphasizes that effective communication is essential for preventing misunderstandings and ensuring that responsibilities are carried out properly.
3. The Consequences of Poor Decision-Making
Kate’s poor decisions, such as trading their gold for earthen pots and pans and her ineffective use of cheese and butter, illustrate the impact of hasty or misguided choices. Her actions not only result in financial loss but also compound her problems, showing how misjudgments can have far-reaching effects.
This lesson underscores the importance of thoughtful decision-making and the need to consider the potential repercussions of one's choices.
4. Resourcefulness and Problem-Solving in the Story of "Fred and Kate"
Despite the errors she makes, Kate displays a form of resourcefulness in dealing with the aftermath of her mistakes. Her efforts to recover the stolen gold, though initially flawed, ultimately lead to a successful outcome.
The story highlights that resourcefulness and creativity, even when accompanied by errors, can sometimes result in positive outcomes. It underscores the value of persistence and ingenuity in overcoming challenges.
5. Teamwork and Cooperation
Fred and Kate’s joint effort to retrieve their stolen gold underscores the importance of teamwork. Even though Kate's actions are often counterproductive, the combined efforts of both characters ultimately lead to success.
The tale teaches that collaboration, despite individual flaws, can achieve goals that might be difficult to accomplish alone, emphasizing the strength found in working together towards a common goal.
6. Balancing Effort and Outcome in "Fred and Kate"
Kate’s exaggerated efforts, such as throwing cheeses down the hill and carrying the door, reveal the necessity of balancing effort with practical outcomes. Her actions, driven by frustration and misunderstanding, demonstrate that effective problem-solving requires a measured approach.
The story suggests that striving for balance and practicality in efforts can lead to more successful and sensible outcomes.
"Fred and Kate" serves as a whimsical yet insightful narrative about responsibility, communication, decision-making, resourcefulness, teamwork, and balance. By reflecting on the lessons from this tale and applying practical strategies, individuals can improve their approach to personal and shared responsibilities, foster better communication, and enhance overall effectiveness in various aspects of life.