Exploring the Treasury of Vietnamese Fairy Tales

The Treasury of Vietnamese Fairy Tales captivates with tales of resilience, culture, and enchantment, cherished by generations past and present.

Vietnam is a beautiful and friendly country. Despite enduring over 1000 years of Chinese domination and 100 years of French colonial rule, its unique and distinctive cultural traits have been preserved. Among these, the rich treasure trove of folk tales stands out.

Join us as we delve into the treasury of Vietnamese fairy tales at FairyTales.love. We have diligently collected and curated the stories beloved by Vietnamese children to share with our readers.

The Heavenly King of Phu Dong

The Heavenly King of Phu Dong (The Story of Saint Giong)

The Heavenly King of Phu Dong (Saint Giong) is a Vietnamese folktale about a miraculous hero who defends his homeland from invaders.
The Golden Star Fruit Tree

The Golden Star Fruit Tree Fairy Tale

The fairy tale "The Golden Star Fruit Tree" is a lesson for the greedy and willing who sacrifice their sibling bonds in pursuit of wealth.
The Cockscomb Flower Legend

The Cockscomb Flower Legend - Vietnamese Fairy Tale

"The Cockscomb Flower Legend" is a poignant Vietnamese folk tale that encourages children to love and care for others.