Vietnamese Folktales

The Heavenly King of Phu Dong

The Heavenly King of Phu Dong (The Story of Saint Giong)

The Heavenly King of Phu Dong (Saint Giong) is a Vietnamese folktale about a miraculous hero who defends his homeland from invaders.
The Golden Star Fruit Tree

The Golden Star Fruit Tree Fairy Tale

The fairy tale "The Golden Star Fruit Tree" is a lesson for the greedy and willing who sacrifice their sibling bonds in pursuit of wealth.
The Cockscomb Flower Legend

The Cockscomb Flower Legend - Vietnamese Fairy Tale

"The Cockscomb Flower Legend" is a poignant Vietnamese folk tale that encourages children to love and care for others.
The Legend of Son Tinh - Thuy Tinh

The Legend of Son Tinh and Thuy Tinh – Vietnamese Mythological

The legend of "Son Tinh and Thuy Tinh" explains the phenomenon of annual floods and the desire of ancestors to control natural disasters.