The Bremen Town Musicians - The Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm

Summary of "The Bremen Town Musicians"
There was an aging donkey who had served his master faithfully for years but was now deemed useless and was going to be disposed of. Recognizing his fate, the donkey decides to run away to the town of Bremen to become a musician.
On his journey, he encounters other animals facing similar situations: a tired and old hound, a worn-out cat, and a rooster who fears being turned into soup. The donkey proposes that they join forces and become musicians in Bremen.
As they travel together, they come across a robbers' den and decide to scare the robbers away and take over the place for themselves. They succeed by using their combined noises to create a terrifying racket, driving the robbers away.
After enjoying the robbers' food and shelter, the animals settle down for the night in their new home. When the robbers return and attempt to investigate, they are scared off again by the animals' clever tactics.
In the end, the animals decide to stay in the robbers' den, forming a happy band of musicians. The story concludes with the remark that the tale is still being told, indicating its enduring popularity.
"The Bremen Town Musicians" is a timeless tale of friendship, resourcefulness, and triumph over adversity, beloved by generations of readers around the world.
The Story of "The Bremen Town Musicians"
Once upon a time a man had an Ass which for many years carried sacks to the mill without tiring. At last, however, its strength was worn out; it was no longer of any use for work. Accordingly its master began to ponder as to how best to cut down its keep; but the Ass, seeing there was mischief in the air, ran away and started on the road to Bremen; there he thought he could become a town-musician.
When he had been travelling a short time, he fell in with a hound, who was lying panting on the road as though he had run himself off his legs.
'Well, what are you panting so for, Growler?' said the Ass.
'Ah,' said the Hound, 'just because I am old, and every day I get weaker, and also because I can no longer keep up with the pack, my master wanted to kill me, so I took my departure. But now, how am I to earn my bread?'
'Do you know what,' said the Ass. 'I am going to Bremen, and shall there become a town-musician; come with me and take your part in the music. I shall play the lute, and you shall beat the kettle-drum.'
The Hound agreed, and they went on.
A short time after they came upon a Cat, sitting in the road, with a face as long as a wet week.
'Well, what has been crossing you, Whiskers?' asked the Ass.
'Who can be cheerful when he is out at elbows?' said the Cat. 'I am getting on in years, and my teeth are blunted and I prefer to sit by the stove and purr instead of hunting round after mice. Just because of this my mistress wanted to drown me. I made myself scarce, but now I don't know where to turn.'
'Come with us to Bremen,' said the Ass. 'You are a great hand at serenading, so you can become a town-musician.'
The Cat consented, and joined them.
Next the fugitives passed by a yard where a barn-door fowl was sitting on the door, crowing with all its might.
'You crow so loud uou pierce one through and through,' said the Ass. 'What is the matter?'
Why! didn't I prophesy fine weather for Lady Day, when Our Lady washes the Christ Child's little garment and wants to dry it? But, notwithstanding this, because Sunday visitors are coming to-morrow, the mistress has no pity, and she has ordered the cook to make me into soup, so I shall have my neck wrung to-night. Now I am crowing with all my might while I have the chance.
'Come along, Red-comb,' said the Ass; 'you had much better come with us. We are going to Bremen, and you will find a much better fate there. You have a good voice, and when we make music together, there will be quality in it.'
The Cock allowed himself to be persuaded, and they all four went off together. They could not, however, reach the town in one day, and by evening they arrived at a wood, where they determined to spend the night. The Ass and the Hound lay down under a big tree; the Cat and the Cock settled themselves in the branches, the Cock flying right up to the top, which was the safest place for him. Before going to sleep he looked round once more in every direction; suddenly it seemed to him that he saw a light burning in the distance. He called out to his comrades that there must be a house not far off, for he saw a light.
'Very well,' said the Ass, 'let us set out and make our way to it, for the entertainment here is very bad.'
The Hound thought some bones or meat would suit him too, so they set out in the direction of the light, and soon saw it shining more clearly, and getting bigger and bigger, till they reached a brightly-lighted robbers' den. The Ass, being the tallest, approached the window and looked in.
'What do you see, old Jackass?' asked the Cock.
'What do I see?' answered the Ass; 'why, a table spread with delicious food and drink, and robbers seated at it enjoying themselves.'
'That would just suit us,' said the Cock.
'Yes; if we were only there,' answered the Ass.
Then the animals took counsel as to how to set about driving the robbers out. At last they hit upon a plan.
The Ass was to take up his position with his fore-feet on the window-sill, the Hound was to jump on his back, the Cat to climb up on to the Hound, and last of all the Cock flew up and perched on the Cat's head. When they were thus arranged, at a given signal they all began to perform their music; the Ass brayed, the Hound barked, the Cat mewed, and the Cock crowed; then they dashed through the window, shivering the panes. The robbers jumped up at the terrible noise; they thought nothing less than that a demon was coming in upon them, and fled into the wood in the greatest alarm. Then the four animals sat down to table, and helped themselves according to taste, and ate as though they had been starving for weeks. When they had finished they extinguished the light, and looked for sleeping places, each one to suit his nature and taste.
The Ass lay down on the manure heap, the Hound behind the door, the Cat on the hearth near the warm ashes, and the Cock flew up to the rafters. As they were tired from the long journey, they soon went to sleep.
When midnight was past, and the robbers saw from a distance that the light was no longer burning, and that all seemed quiet, the chief said:
'We ought not to have been scared by a false alarm,' and ordered one of the robbers to go and examine the house.
Finding all quiet, the messenger went into the kitchen to kindle a light, and taking the Cat's glowing, fiery eyes for live coals, he held a match close to them so as to light it. But the Cat would stand no nonsense; it flew at his face, spat and scratched. He was terribly frightened and ran away.
He tried to get out by the back door, but the Hound, who was lying there, jumped up and bit his leg. As he ran across the manure heap in front of the house, the Ass gave him a good sound kick with his hind legs, while the Cock, who had awoken at the uproar quite fresh and gay, cried out from his perch: 'Cock-a-doodle-doo.' Thereupon the robber ran back as fast as he could to his chief, and said: 'There is a gruesome witch in the house, who breathed on me and scratched me with her long fingers. Behind the door there stands a man with a knife, who stabbed me; while in the yard lies a black monster, who hit me with a club; and upon the roof the judge is seated, and he called out, “Bring the rogue here,” so I hurried away as fast as I could.'
Thenceforward the robbers did not venture again to the house, which, however, pleased the four Bremen musicians so much that they never wished to leave it again.
And he who last told the story has hardly finished speaking yet.
The Story of "The Bremen Town Musicians"
– Grimm’s Fairy Tales –

The Story of "The Bremen Town Musicians"
The Moral Lesson of "The Bremen Town Musicians"
In the rich tapestry of folklore, few stories resonate as deeply as "The Bremen Town Musicians," a timeless tale of companionship, courage, and resourcefulness. Penned by the Brothers Grimm, this fable transcends its fairy tale origins to offer profound insights into the human condition. Let us delve into the layers of wisdom encapsulated within this beloved narrative, exploring its moral lessons and practical applications for our lives.
At its core, "The Bremen Town Musicians" celebrates the transformative power of unity and collaboration. When faced with adversity, the donkey, dog, cat, and rooster join forces, leveraging their unique strengths to overcome challenges. This underscores the importance of teamwork in navigating life's obstacles. Like the animals in the story, we can achieve remarkable feats when we unite with others, pooling our talents and resources towards a common goal.
The journey of the animals mirrors the inevitability of change and the necessity of adaptation. Each character faces the prospect of obsolescence or harm in their former lives, prompting them to embark on a new path. Their willingness to embrace change and venture into the unknown highlights the resilience required to thrive in dynamic environments. In our own lives, we can draw inspiration from their example, embracing change as an opportunity for growth and renewal.
The courage displayed by the animals as they confront the robbers exemplifies the triumph of bravery over fear. Despite their seemingly insurmountable odds, they refuse to cower in the face of danger, instead choosing to confront it head-on. This teaches us that courage is not the absence of fear but the willingness to act in spite of it. In our own journey, we can cultivate courage by confronting our fears and challenges with resilience and determination.
The animals' journey leads them to a humble abode in the forest, once occupied by nefarious bandits. Rather than lamenting their circumstances, they find joy and contentment in their newfound home. This serves as a poignant reminder that happiness often resides in unexpected places and that gratitude can transform even the most modest surroundings into a sanctuary of fulfillment. By cultivating a mindset of gratitude and appreciation, we can unlock the hidden treasures of everyday life.
Throughout their adventure, the animals demonstrate remarkable resourcefulness, utilizing their ingenuity to overcome challenges. From devising a plan to scare off the robbers to improvising sleeping arrangements in the forest, they exemplify the value of creative problem-solving. In our own lives, we can cultivate resourcefulness by tapping into our innate creativity and resilience, turning obstacles into opportunities for growth and innovation.
In conclusion, "The Bremen Town Musicians" serves as a timeless parable brimming with wisdom and insight. Through its vivid characters and captivating narrative, it imparts valuable lessons on unity, adaptability, courage, gratitude, and resourcefulness. As we navigate the complexities of life, may we draw inspiration from the indomitable spirit of the animals in this cherished tale, forging our own paths with courage, collaboration, and unwavering determination.

Grimm’s Fairy Tales
The Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm
The Grimm Brothers' Fairy Tales (German: Kinder- und Hausmärchen) is a collection of folk stories recorded by the two brothers, Wilhelm and Jacob Grimm. Within these tales, children are invited to immerse themselves in a world filled with powerful fairy godmothers, beautiful princesses accompanied by brave princes, wicked witches, and ferocious monsters...
In addition, to the aforementioned "The Bremen Town Musicians" story, presents a myriad of other captivating tales within the Grimm Brothers' collection. Each narrative carries valuable lessons about morals and life.
Do not miss the opportunity to explore and delve into the enchanting world of Grimm's Fairy Tales at FairyTales.Love.