The Fox and the Grapes - Aesop’s Fable

The Story of "The Fox and the Grapes"
"The Fox and the Grapes" is an Aesop's fable reminding us not to deceive ourselves by disregarding desires when they are unattainable.
Once upon a time, a sly and hungry Fox spotted a bunch of ripe and juicy grapes hanging from a vine on a tree. They looked so delectable that his mouth started to water with desire. However, the grapes were hanging high up on a branch, and the Fox realized he would have to jump to reach them.
With determination, the Fox made his first attempt to jump, but he missed the grapes by a long shot. Undeterred, he tried again, running and jumping with all his might, but still couldn't reach them. He attempted several more times, but each time he fell short.
Feeling defeated, the Fox sat down and stared at the grapes in frustration. He could not accept that he could not have the grapes he so desperately wanted. However, after some reflection, he began to feel a sense of scorn towards the grapes, telling himself that they were probably sour and not worth the effort.
"What a foolish endeavor," he thought. "I've been wasting my energy trying to reach a bunch of grapes that are not even worth my time."
With that, the Fox walked away, feeling both disappointed with himself and with the grapes he had coveted so much.
The Story of "The Fox and the Grapes"
- Aesop’s Fable -
The Moral Lesson of "The Fox and the Grapes"
The moral lesson in "The Fox and the Grapes" is a reminder not to deceive ourselves by belittling our desires when we are unable to attain them due to our limitations. Instead, we should acknowledge our failure and move forward. In the story, the fox initially desires the grapes, but when he realizes he cannot reach them, he convinces himself that the grapes are probably sour and not worth it.
However, on another note, the story also advises people to know when to give up on things that do not belong to them, even after making their best efforts to obtain them.
The Poem "Le Renard et Les Raisins" by Jean de La Fontaine
Jean de La Fontaine adapted Aesop's fable about a fox and grapes into a captivating short poem titled "Le Renard et les Raisins." This poem is considered one of France's most renowned literary works and belongs to a collection of 12 books known as "Fables."
La Fontaine's rendition narrates the tale of a hungry fox yearning for luscious grapes, yet unable to reach them. Ultimately, the fox concedes defeat and dismisses the grapes as unripe. La Fontaine's poetic interpretation of this fable is a timeless classic that demonstrates his wit and skill in conveying enduring moral lessons through his writing.
The poem "Le Renard et les Raisins" is as follows:
Certain Renard Gascon, d'autres disent Normand,
Mourant presque de faim, vit au haut d'une treille
Des raisins mûrs apparemment,
Et couverts d'une peau vermeille.
Le galant en eût fait volontiers un repas;
Mais comme il n'y pouvait atteindre:
"Ils sont trop verts, dit-il, et bons pour des goujats."
Fit-il pas mieux que de se plaindre?