The Wolf and the Kid: The Aesop for Children

The Wolf and the Kid
"The Wolf and the Kid" is a fable by Aesop where a Kid distracts a Wolf with music, leading to the Wolf’s missed chance for a meal.

The Story of "The Wolf and the Kid"

There was once a little Kid whose growing horns made him think he was a grown-up Billy Goat and able to take care of himself. So one evening when the flock started home from the pasture and his mother called, the Kid paid no heed and kept right on nibbling the tender grass. A little later when he lifted his head, the flock was gone.

He was all alone. The sun was sinking. Long shadows came creeping over the ground. A chilly little wind came creeping with them making scary noises in the grass. The Kid shivered as he thought of the terrible Wolf. Then he started wildly over the field, bleating for his mother. But not half-way, near a clump of trees, there was the Wolf!

The Kid knew there was little hope for him.

"Please, Mr. Wolf," he said trembling, "I know you are going to eat me. But first please pipe me a tune, for I want to dance and be merry as long as I can."

The Wolf liked the idea of a little music before eating, so he struck up a merry tune and the Kid leaped and frisked gaily.

Meanwhile, the flock was moving slowly homeward. In the still evening air the Wolf's piping carried far. The Shepherd Dogs pricked up their ears. They recognized the song the Wolf sings before a feast, and in a moment they were racing back to the pasture. The Wolf's song ended suddenly, and as he ran, with the Dogs at his heels, he called himself a fool for turning piper to please a Kid, when he should have stuck to his butcher's trade.

Do not let anything turn you from your purpose.

The Story of "The Wolf and the Kid"
– Aesop’s Fable –

The Moral Lesson of "The Wolf and the Kid"

Aesop’s fable "The Wolf and the Kid" offers a profound lesson about the importance of staying true to one's purpose and not allowing distractions to lead you astray. The story, though simple, provides a valuable reminder that can be applied in various aspects of life. Let's explore this lesson in depth.

1. The Temptation of Distraction

In the fable, the Wolf, who is usually a fierce predator, is momentarily swayed by the Kid's request for music. This represents a common scenario in life where one might be tempted by distractions or by the desire to please others. The Wolf's primary objective was to satisfy his hunger, yet he allowed the Kid's plea to divert him from this purpose. This can be likened to how people often get sidetracked by short-term pleasures or distractions, losing focus on their long-term goals.

2. The Consequences of Losing Focus in "The Wolf and the Kid"

The Wolf's decision to play the tune resulted in dire consequences. By abandoning his main objective, he inadvertently gave the Shepherd Dogs time to return and chase him away, leaving him without his meal. This illustrates that losing focus, even momentarily, can lead to missed opportunities or failures. In life, when we let ourselves be swayed by distractions, we may miss out on achieving our goals or, worse, face negative outcomes.

3. The Importance of Sticking to Your Purpose

The key takeaway from the story is the importance of staying true to your purpose. Whether it's in your personal life, career, or any other pursuit, having a clear objective and focusing on it is crucial. The Wolf's regret at the end of the story serves as a warning: when you allow distractions to take you off course, you may end up with nothing. To achieve success, one must remain steadfast and resist the urge to indulge in temporary diversions that do not contribute to the ultimate goal.


"The Wolf and the Kid" teaches us that distractions can lead to missed opportunities and that it is crucial to remain focused on our goals. By understanding and applying this lesson in our daily lives, we can increase our chances of success and avoid the pitfalls that come with losing sight of our purpose. Remember, the path to achieving your goals is rarely without temptations, but true success lies in your ability to stay committed and not let anything turn you from your purpose.

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